Naomi Watts, first-billed in the Peter Jackson-directed King Kong (2005), must carry the film with relatively little dialogue. No surprise, then, that Jackson uses many close-up shots to capture the full range of Watts' emotive abilities. I thought it might be interesting to show a frame or two from each of these close-ups side-by-side to showcase her performance, which is my favorite thing about this remake.
I initially thought to do so here, as one long photo-heavy blog post, but after screencapping several hundred frames, I decided it may be more practical to issue one image per day on a platform better suited to that type of presentation (or at least one that has previously gotten me more action than Blogger). Below, therefore, is a link to the Instagram account I've created for this purpose.
One note: My definition of "close-up" is a little flexible, both out of necessity, because pinning down the boundary between certain framings is not an exact science, and personal choice, as there are some frames I like too much to omit. In any case, I'm confident that all genuine close-ups will be included, along with a fair number of medium close-ups, and maybe a medium shot or two as well.
Instagram: @naomiwattskingkongcloseups
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